Source code for colour.colorimetry.lightness

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Lightness :math:`L*`

Defines *Lightness* :math:`L*` computation objects.

The following methods are available:

-   :func:`lightness_glasser1958`: *Lightness* :math:`L^*` computation of given
    *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Glasser et al. (1958)* method.
-   :func:`lightness_wyszecki1964`: *Lightness* :math:`W^*` computation of
    given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Wyszecki (1964)* method.
-   :func:`lightness_1976`: *Lightness* :math:`L^*` computation of given
    *luminance* :math:`Y` as per *CIE Lab* implementation.

See Also
`Lightness IPython Notebook
<>`_  # noqa

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from colour.constants import CIE_E, CIE_K
from colour.utilities import CaseInsensitiveMapping, warning

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['lightness_glasser1958',

[docs]def lightness_glasser1958(Y, **kwargs): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L^*` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Glasser et al. (1958)* method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric *luminance* :math:`Y`. \*\*kwargs : \*\*, optional Unused parameter provided for signature compatibility with other *Lightness* computation objects. Returns ------- numeric *Lightness* :math:`L^*`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L^*` is in domain [0, 100]. References ---------- .. [1] (Last accessed 13 April 2014) Examples -------- >>> lightness_glasser1958(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 36.2505626... """ L_star = 25.29 * (Y ** (1 / 3)) - 18.38 return L_star
[docs]def lightness_wyszecki1964(Y, **kwargs): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`W^*` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Wyszecki (1964)* method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric *luminance* :math:`Y`. \*\*kwargs : \*\*, optional Unused parameter provided for signature compatibility with other *Lightness* computation objects. Returns ------- numeric *Lightness* :math:`W^*`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`W^*` is in domain [0, 100]. References ---------- .. [2] (Last accessed 13 April 2014) Examples -------- >>> lightness_wyszecki1964(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.0041149... """ if not 1 < Y < 98: warning(('"W*" Lightness computation is only applicable for ' '1% < "Y" < 98%, unpredictable results may occur!')) W = 25 * (Y ** (1 / 3)) - 17 return W
[docs]def lightness_1976(Y, Yn=100): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L^*` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using given reference white *luminance* :math:`Y_n` as per *CIE Lab* implementation. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric *luminance* :math:`Y`. Yn : numeric, optional White reference *luminance* :math:`Y_n`. Returns ------- numeric *Lightness* :math:`L^*`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` and :math:`Y_n` are in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L^*` is in domain [0, 100]. References ---------- .. [3] (Last accessed 12 April 2014) Examples -------- >>> lightness_1976(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... """ ratio = Y / Yn L = CIE_K * ratio if ratio <= CIE_E else 116 * ratio ** (1 / 3) - 16 return L
LIGHTNESS_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping( {'Glasser 1958': lightness_glasser1958, 'Wyszecki 1964': lightness_wyszecki1964, 'CIE 1976': lightness_1976}) """ Supported *Lightness* computations methods. LIGHTNESS_METHODS : dict ('Glasser 1958', 'Wyszecki 1964', 'CIE 1976') Aliases: - 'Lstar1976': 'CIE 1976' """ LIGHTNESS_METHODS['Lstar1976'] = LIGHTNESS_METHODS['CIE 1976']
[docs]def lightness(Y, method='CIE 1976', **kwargs): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L^*` using given method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric *luminance* :math:`Y`. method : unicode, optional ('Glasser 1958', 'Wyszecki 1964', 'CIE 1976'), Computation method. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- numeric *Lightness* :math:`L^*`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` and optional :math:`Y_n` are in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L^*` is in domain [0, 100]. Examples -------- >>> lightness(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... >>> lightness(10.08, Yn=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... >>> lightness(10.08, Yn=95) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 38.9165987... >>> lightness(10.08, method='Glasser 1958') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 36.2505626... >>> lightness(10.08, method='Wyszecki 1964') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.0041149... """ return LIGHTNESS_METHODS.get(method)(Y, **kwargs)