Returns the CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates from given correlated colour temperature Tcp and Δuv using given method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
Raises: | ValueError – If the computation method is not defined. |
>>> from colour import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
>>> cmfs = 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'
>>> cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS.get(cmfs)
>>> CCT = 6507.4342201047066
>>> Duv = 0.003223690901512735
>>> CCT_to_uv(CCT, Duv, cmfs=cmfs)
(0.1978003..., 0.3122005...)
Returns the CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates from given correlated colour temperature Tcp, Δuv and colour matching functions using Yoshi Ohno (2013) method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
[4] | Yoshi Ohno, Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv, DOI: |
>>> from colour import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
>>> cmfs = 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'
>>> cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS.get(cmfs)
>>> CCT = 6507.4342201047066
>>> Duv = 0.003223690901512735
>>> CCT_to_uv_ohno2013(CCT, Duv, cmfs)
(0.1978003..., 0.3122005...)
Returns the CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates from given correlated colour temperature Tcp and Δuv using Robertson (1968) method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
[7] | Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, page 227. |
[8] | Adobe DNG SDK dng_sdk_1_3/dng_sdk/source/dng_temperature.cpp: dng_temperature::xy_coord. |
>>> CCT = 6500.0081378199056
>>> Duv = 0.0083333312442250979
>>> CCT_to_uv_robertson1968(CCT, Duv)
(0.1937413..., 0.3152210...)
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp and Δuv from given CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates using given method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp, Δuv. |
Return type: | tuple |
Raises: | ValueError – If the computation method is not defined. |
>>> from colour import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
>>> cmfs = 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'
>>> cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS.get(cmfs)
>>> uv_to_CCT((0.1978, 0.3122), cmfs=cmfs)
(6507.5470349..., 0.0032236...)
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp and Δuv from given CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates, colour matching functions and temperature range using Yoshi Ohno (2013) method.
The iterations parameter defines the calculations precision: The higher its value, the more planckian tables will be generated through cascade expansion in order to converge to the exact solution.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp, Δuv. |
Return type: | tuple |
[3] | Yoshi Ohno, Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv, DOI: |
>>> from colour import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
>>> cmfs = 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'
>>> cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS.get(cmfs)
>>> uv_to_CCT_ohno2013((0.1978, 0.3122), cmfs)
(6507.5470349..., 0.0032236...)
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp and Δuv from given CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates using Robertson (1968) method.
Parameters: | uv (array_like) – CIE UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp, Δuv. |
Return type: | tuple |
[5] | Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, page 227. |
[6] | Adobe DNG SDK dng_sdk_1_3/dng_sdk/source/dng_temperature.cpp: dng_temperature::Set_xy_coord. |
>>> uv = (0.19374137599822966, 0.31522104394059397)
>>> uv_to_CCT_robertson1968(uv)
(6500.0162879..., 0.0083333...)
Returns the CIE XYZ colourspace xy chromaticity coordinates from given correlated colour temperature Tcp using given method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
Returns the CIE XYZ colourspace xy chromaticity coordinates from given correlated colour temperature Tcp using Kang, Moon, Hong, Lee, Cho and Kim (2002) method.
Parameters: | CCT (numeric) – Correlated colour temperature Tcp. |
Returns: | xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
Raises: | ValueError – If the correlated colour temperature is not in appropriate domain. |
[11] | Design of Advanced Color - Temperature Control System for HDTV Applications |
>>> CCT_to_xy_kang2002(6504.38938305)
(0.3134259..., 0.3235959...)
Converts from the correlated colour temperature Tcp of a CIE Illuminant D Series to the chromaticity of that CIE Illuminant D Series.
Parameters: | CCT (numeric) – Correlated colour temperature Tcp. |
Returns: | xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Return type: | tuple |
Raises: | ValueError – If the correlated colour temperature is not in appropriate domain. |
[12] | Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, page 145. |
>>> CCT_to_xy_illuminant_D(6504.38938305)
(0.3127077..., 0.3291128...)
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp from given CIE XYZ colourspace xy chromaticity coordinates using given method.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp. |
Return type: | numeric |
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp from given CIE XYZ colourspace xy chromaticity coordinates using McCamy (1992) method.
Parameters: | xy (array_like) – xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp. |
Return type: | numeric |
[9] | (Last accessed 28 June 2014) |
>>> xy_to_CCT_mccamy1992((0.31271, 0.32902))
Returns the correlated colour temperature Tcp from given CIE XYZ colourspace xy chromaticity coordinates using Hernandez-Andres, Lee & Romero (1999) method.
Parameters: | xy (array_like) – xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Returns: | Correlated colour temperature Tcp. |
Return type: | numeric |
[10] | Calculating correlated color temperatures across the entire gamut of daylight and skylight chromaticities, DOI: |
>>> xy_to_CCT_hernandez1999((0.31271, 0.32902))