Bases: colour.appearance.hunt.Hunt_InductionFactors
Hunt colour appearance model induction factors.
Parameters: |
Bases: colour.appearance.hunt.Hunt_Specification
Defines the Hunt colour appearance model specification.
This specification has field names consistent with the remaining colour appearance models in colour.appearance but diverge from Mark D. Fairchild reference.
Parameters: |
Computes the Hunt colour appearance model correlates.
Parameters: |
The input domain of that definition is non standard!
Returns: | Hunt colour appearance model specification. |
Return type: | Hunt_Specification |
Raises: | ValueError – If an illegal arguments combination is specified. |
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20.00, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_w = np.array([95.05, 100.00, 108.88])
>>> XYZ_b = np.array([95.05, 100.00, 108.88])
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> surround = HUNT_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['Normal Scenes']
>>> CCT_w = 6504.0
>>> XYZ_to_Hunt(XYZ, XYZ_w, XYZ_b, L_A, surround, CCT_w=CCT_w)
Hunt_Specification(J=30.0462678..., C=0.1210508..., h=269.2737594..., s=0.0199093..., Q=22.2097654..., M=0.1238964..., H=None, HC=None)
Bases: colour.appearance.atd95.ATD95_Specification
Defines the ATD (1995) colour vision model specification.
This specification has field names consistent with the remaining colour appearance models in colour.appearance but diverge from Mark D. Fairchild reference.
Parameters: |
Computes the ATD (1995) colour vision model correlates.
Parameters: |
Returns: | ATD (1995) colour vision model specification. |
Return type: | ATD95_Specification |
The input domain of that definition is non standard!
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20.00, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_0 = np.array([95.05, 100.00, 108.88])
>>> Y_0 = 318.31
>>> k_1 = 0.0
>>> k_2 = 50.0
>>> XYZ_to_ATD95(XYZ, XYZ_0, Y_0, k_1, k_2)
ATD95_Specification(h=1.9089869..., C=1.2064060..., Q=0.1814003..., A_1=0.1787931... T_1=0.0286942..., D_1=0.0107584..., A_2=0.0192182..., T_2=0.0205377..., D_2=0.0107584...)
Bases: colour.appearance.ciecam02.CIECAM02_InductionFactors
CIECAM02 colour appearance model induction factors.
Parameters: |
Bases: colour.appearance.ciecam02.CIECAM02_Specification
Defines the CIECAM02 colour appearance model specification.
Parameters: |
Computes the CIECAM02 colour appearance model correlates from given CIE XYZ colourspace matrix.
This is the forward implementation.
Parameters: |
Returns: | CIECAM02 colour appearance model specification. |
Return type: | CIECAM02_Specification |
The input domain of that definition is non standard!
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20.00, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_w = np.array([95.05, 100.00, 108.88])
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> surround = CIECAM02_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['Average']
>>> XYZ_to_CIECAM02(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, surround)
CIECAM02_Specification(J=41.7310911..., C=0.1047077..., h=219.0484326..., s=2.3603053..., Q=195.3713259..., M=0.1088421..., H=278.0607358..., HC=None)
Converts CIECAM02 specification to CIE XYZ colourspace matrix.
This is the reverse implementation.
Parameters: |
Returns: | XYZ – CIE XYZ colourspace matrix. |
Return type: | ndarray |
The output domain of that definition is non standard!
>>> J = 41.731091132513917
>>> C = 0.1047077571711053
>>> h = 219.0484326582719
>>> XYZ_w = np.array([95.05, 100.00, 108.88])
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> CIECAM02_to_XYZ(J, C, h, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)
array([ 19.01..., 20... , 21.78...])
Bases: colour.appearance.llab.LLAB_Specification
Defines the LLAB(l:c) colour appearance model specification.
This specification has field names consistent with the remaining colour appearance models in colour.appearance but diverge from Mark D. Fairchild reference.
Parameters: |
Computes the LLAB(L:c) colour appearance model correlates.
Parameters: |
Returns: | LLAB(L:c) colour appearance model specification. |
Return type: | LLAB_Specification |
The output domain of that definition is non standard!
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_0 = np.array([95.05, 100, 108.88])
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> L = 318.31
>>> surround = LLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['ref_average_4_minus']
>>> XYZ_to_LLAB(XYZ, XYZ_0, Y_b, L, surround)
LLAB_Specification(J=37.3680474..., C=0.0086506..., h=229.4635727..., s=0.0002314..., M=0.0183832..., HC=None, a=-0.0119478..., b=-0.0139711...)
Bases: colour.appearance.nayatani95.Nayatani95_Specification
Defines the Nayatani (1995) colour appearance model specification.
This specification has field names consistent with the remaining colour appearance models in colour.appearance but diverge from Mark D. Fairchild reference.
Parameters: |
Computes the Nayatani (1995) colour appearance model correlates.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Nayatani (1995) colour appearance model specification. |
Return type: | Nayatani95_Specification |
The input domain of that definition is non standard!
Raises: | ValueError – If Luminance factor Yo is not greater or equal than 18%. |
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_n = np.array([95.05, 100, 108.88])
>>> Y_o = 20.0
>>> E_o = 5000.0
>>> E_or = 1000.0
>>> XYZ_to_Nayatani95(XYZ, XYZ_n, Y_o, E_o, E_or)
Nayatani95_Specification(Lstar_P=49.9998829..., C=0.0133550..., h=257.5232268..., s=0.0133550..., Q=62.6266734..., M=0.0167262..., H=None, HC=None, Lstar_N=50.0039154...)
Bases: colour.appearance.rlab.RLAB_Specification
Defines the RLAB colour appearance model specification.
This specification has field names consistent with the remaining colour appearance models in colour.appearance but diverge from Mark D. Fairchild reference.
Parameters: |
Computes the RLAB model color appearance correlates.
Parameters: |
Returns: | RLAB colour appearance model specification. |
Return type: | RLAB_Specification |
The input domain of that definition is non standard!
>>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20, 21.78])
>>> XYZ_n = np.array([109.85, 100, 35.58])
>>> Y_n = 31.83
>>> sigma = RLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['Average']
>>> D = RLAB_D_FACTOR['Hard Copy Images']
>>> XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ, XYZ_n, Y_n, sigma, D)
RLAB_Specification(J=49.8347069..., C=54.8700585..., h=286.4860208..., s=1.1010410..., HC=None, a=15.5711021..., b=-52.6142956...)