Source code for colour.plotting.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Common Plotting

Defines the common plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour_cycle`
-   :func:`canvas`
-   :func:`decorate`
-   :func:`boundaries`
-   :func:`display`
-   :func:`colour_parameter`
-   :func:`colour_parameters_plot`
-   :func:`single_colour_plot`
-   :func:`multi_colour_plot`

from __future__ import division

import itertools
import os
from collections import namedtuple

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.image
import matplotlib.path
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.ticker
import numpy as np
import pylab

from colour.utilities import Structure

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'


Resources directory.


DEFAULT_FIGURE_ASPECT_RATIO = (np.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2
Default figure aspect ratio (Golden Number).


Default figure width.


if 'Qt4Agg' in matplotlib.get_backend():

Default figure height.


Default figure size.


Default figure font size.


if 'Qt4Agg' in matplotlib.get_backend():

    'figure.figsize': DEFAULT_FIGURE_SIZE,
    'font.size': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,
    'axes.titlesize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 1.25,
    'axes.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 1.25,
    'legend.fontsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 0.9,
    'xtick.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,
    'ytick.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
Default plotting parameters.



DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE = ('r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k')

ColourParameter = namedtuple('ColourParameter',
                             ('name', 'RGB', 'x', 'y0', 'y1'))

[docs]def colour_cycle(colour_map='hsv', count=len(DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE)): """ Returns a colour cycle iterator using given colour map. Parameters ---------- colour_map : unicode, optional Matplotlib colour map. count : int, optional Cycle length. Returns ------- cycle Colour cycle iterator. """ if colour_map is None: cycle = DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE else: cycle = getattr(, colour_map)(np.linspace(0, 1, count)) return itertools.cycle(cycle)
[docs]def canvas(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure size and aspect. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure. """ settings = Structure( **{'figure_size': DEFAULT_FIGURE_SIZE}) settings.update(kwargs) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() if figure is None: figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=settings.figure_size) else: figure.set_size_inches(settings.figure_size) return figure
[docs]def decorate(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure decorations. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. """ settings = Structure( **{'title': None, 'x_label': None, 'y_label': None, 'legend': False, 'legend_location': 'upper right', 'x_ticker': False, 'y_ticker': False, 'x_ticker_locator': matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2), 'y_ticker_locator': matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2), 'no_ticks': False, 'no_x_ticks': False, 'no_y_ticks': False, 'grid': False, 'grid_which': 'both', 'grid_axis': 'both', 'x_axis_line': False, 'y_axis_line': False, 'aspect': None}) settings.update(kwargs) if settings.title: pylab.title(settings.title) if settings.x_label: pylab.xlabel(settings.x_label) if settings.y_label: pylab.ylabel(settings.y_label) if settings.legend: pylab.legend(loc=settings.legend_location) if settings.x_ticker: matplotlib.pyplot.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator( settings.x_ticker_locator) if settings.y_ticker: matplotlib.pyplot.gca().yaxis.set_minor_locator( settings.y_ticker_locator) if settings.no_ticks: matplotlib.pyplot.gca().set_xticks([]) matplotlib.pyplot.gca().set_yticks([]) if settings.no_x_ticks: matplotlib.pyplot.gca().set_xticks([]) if settings.no_y_ticks: matplotlib.pyplot.gca().set_yticks([]) if settings.grid: pylab.grid(which=settings.grid_which, axis=settings.grid_axis) if settings.x_axis_line: pylab.axvline(color='black', linestyle='--') if settings.y_axis_line: pylab.axhline(color='black', linestyle='--') if settings.aspect: matplotlib.pyplot.axes().set_aspect(settings.aspect) return True
[docs]def boundaries(**kwargs): """ Sets the plot boundaries. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. """ settings = Structure( **{'bounding_box': None, 'x_tighten': False, 'y_tighten': False, 'limits': [0, 1, 0, 1], 'margins': [0, 0, 0, 0]}) settings.update(kwargs) if settings.bounding_box is None: x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max = ( settings.limits) x_margin_min, x_margin_max, y_margin_min, y_margin_max = ( settings.margins) if settings.x_tighten: pylab.xlim(x_limit_min + x_margin_min, x_limit_max + x_margin_max) if settings.y_tighten: pylab.ylim(y_limit_min + y_margin_min, y_limit_max + y_margin_max) else: pylab.xlim(settings.bounding_box[0], settings.bounding_box[1]) pylab.ylim(settings.bounding_box[2], settings.bounding_box[3]) return True
[docs]def display(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure display. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. """ settings = Structure( **{'standalone': True, 'filename': None}) settings.update(kwargs) if settings.standalone: if settings.filename is not None: pylab.savefig(**kwargs) else: pylab.close() return True
[docs]def colour_parameter(name=None, RGB=None, x=None, y0=None, y1=None): """ Defines a factory for :attr:`colour.plotting.plots.COLOUR_PARAMETER` attribute. Parameters ---------- name : unicode, optional Colour name. RGB : array_like, optional RGB Colour. x : numeric, optional X data. y0 : numeric, optional Y0 data. y1 : numeric, optional Y1 data. Returns ------- ColourParameter ColourParameter. """ return ColourParameter(name, RGB, x, y0, y1)
[docs]def colour_parameters_plot(colour_parameters, y0_plot=True, y1_plot=True, **kwargs): """ Plots given colour colour_parameters. Parameters ---------- colour_parameters : list ColourParameter sequence. y0_plot : bool, optional Plot y0 line. y1_plot : bool, optional Plot y1 line. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> cp1 = colour_parameter(x=390, RGB=[0.03009021, 0, 0.12300545]) >>> cp2 = colour_parameter(x=391, RGB=[0.03434063, 0, 0.13328537], y0=0, y1=0.25) # noqa >>> cp3 = colour_parameter(x=392, RGB=[0.03826312, 0, 0.14276247], y0=0, y1=0.35) # noqa >>> cp4 = colour_parameter(x=393, RGB=[0.04191844, 0, 0.15158707], y0=0, y1=0.05) # noqa >>> cp5 = colour_parameter(x=394, RGB=[0.04535085, 0, 0.15986838], y0=0, y1=-.25) # noqa >>> colour_parameters_plot([cp1, cp2, cp3, cp3, cp4, cp5]) # noqa # doctest: +SKIP True """ canvas(**kwargs) for i in range(len(colour_parameters) - 1): x0 = colour_parameters[i].x x01 = colour_parameters[i + 1].x y0 = (0 if colour_parameters[i].y0 is None else colour_parameters[i].y0) y1 = (1 if colour_parameters[i].y1 is None else colour_parameters[i].y1) y01 = (0 if colour_parameters[i].y0 is None else colour_parameters[i + 1].y0) y11 = (1 if colour_parameters[i].y1 is None else colour_parameters[i + 1].y1) x_polygon = [x0, x01, x01, x0] y_polygon = [y0, y01, y11, y1] pylab.fill(x_polygon, y_polygon, color=colour_parameters[i].RGB, edgecolor=colour_parameters[i].RGB) if all([x.y0 is not None for x in colour_parameters]): if y0_plot: pylab.plot([x.x for x in colour_parameters], [x.y0 for x in colour_parameters], color='black', linewidth=2) if all([x.y1 is not None for x in colour_parameters]): if y1_plot: pylab.plot([x.x for x in colour_parameters], [x.y1 for x in colour_parameters], color='black', linewidth=2) y_limit_min0 = min( [0 if x.y0 is None else x.y0 for x in colour_parameters]) # y_limit_max0 = max( # [1 if x.y0 is None else x.y0 for x in colour_parameters]) # y_limit_min1 = min( # [0 if x.y1 is None else x.y1 for x in colour_parameters]) y_limit_max1 = max( [1 if x.y1 is None else x.y1 for x in colour_parameters]) settings = { 'x_label': 'Parameter', 'y_label': 'Colour', 'limits': [min([0 if x.x is None else x.x for x in colour_parameters]), max([1 if x.x is None else x.x for x in colour_parameters]), y_limit_min0, y_limit_max1]} settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def single_colour_plot(colour_parameter, **kwargs): """ Plots given colour. Parameters ---------- colour_parameter : ColourParameter ColourParameter. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> RGB = (0.32315746, 0.32983556, 0.33640183) >>> single_colour_plot(colour_parameter(RGB)) # doctest: +SKIP True """ return multi_colour_plot([colour_parameter], **kwargs)
[docs]def multi_colour_plot(colour_parameters, width=1, height=1, spacing=0, across=3, text_display=True, text_size='large', text_offset=0.075, **kwargs): """ Plots given colours. Parameters ---------- colour_parameters : list ColourParameter sequence. width : numeric, optional Colour polygon width. height : numeric, optional Colour polygon height. spacing : numeric, optional Colour polygons spacing. across : int, optional Colour polygons count per row. text_display : bool, optional Display colour text. text_size : numeric, optional Colour text size. text_offset : numeric, optional Colour text offset. \*\*kwargs : \*\* Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> cp1 = colour_parameter(RGB=(0.45293517, 0.31732158, 0.26414773)) >>> cp2 = colour_parameter(RGB=(0.77875824, 0.5772645, 0.50453169)) >>> multi_colour_plot([cp1, cp2]) # doctest: +SKIP True """ canvas(**kwargs) offsetX = offsetY = 0 x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max = 0, width, 0, height for i, colour_parameter in enumerate(colour_parameters): if i % across == 0 and i != 0: offsetX = 0 offsetY -= height + spacing x0 = offsetX x1 = offsetX + width y0 = offsetY y1 = offsetY + height x_polygon = [x0, x1, x1, x0] y_polygon = [y0, y0, y1, y1] pylab.fill(x_polygon, y_polygon, color=colour_parameters[i].RGB) if is not None and text_display: pylab.text(x0 + text_offset, y0 + text_offset,, clip_on=True, size=text_size) offsetX += width + spacing x_limit_max = min(len(colour_parameters), across) x_limit_max = x_limit_max * width + x_limit_max * spacing - spacing y_limit_min = offsetY settings = { 'x_tighten': True, 'y_tighten': True, 'no_ticks': True, 'limits': [x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max], 'aspect': 'equal'} settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)