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colour.colorimetry.dataset.illuminants.d_illuminants_s_spds Module

CIE Standard Illuminant D Series Sn(λ) Spectral Power Distributions

Defines the CIE Standard Illuminant D Series Sn(λ) spectral power distributions involved in the computation of CIE Standard Illuminant D Series relative spectral power distributions.


[1]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE Method of Calculating D-Illuminants. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 145–146). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186
[2]Lindbloom, B. (2007). Spectral Power Distribution of a CIE D-Illuminant. Retrieved April 05, 2014, from
colour.colorimetry.dataset.illuminants.d_illuminants_s_spds.D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({u'S2': <colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x2b436d3b7ed0>, u'S1': <colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x2b436d3b7d90>, u'S0': <colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x2b436d3b79d0>})

CIE Standard Illuminant D Series Sn(λ) spectral power distributions

D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS : CaseInsensitiveMapping
{‘S0’, ‘S1’, ‘S1’}