Installation Guide
Colour requires various dependencies in order to run and follows the minimum supported versions as given by Scientific Python. Depending on your intended use case, i.e., using or developing, you may not need to install all of them.
Please refer to the Installation Methods for Using Colour and Installation Methods for Developing Colour sections below.
Primary Dependencies
Optional, Meshing and Plotting Dependencies
Development Dependencies
Installation Methods for Using Colour
Colour can be easily installed from the Python Package Index by issuing this command in a shell:
This asciicast demonstrates how to generate a pristine Python VirtualEnv environment for Colour:
The optional features dependencies are installed as follows:
The development dependencies are installed as follows:
The graphviz figure plotting dependencies are installed as follows:
pip install --user 'colour-science[graphviz]'
The meshing dependencies for gamut computations are installed as follows:
If you wish to read OpenEXR files, you will need to install the FreeImage plugin for Imageio as follows:
Continuum Analytics Anaconda
Colour is also available for Anaconda from Continuum Analytics via conda-forge:
This asciicast demonstrates how to generate a pristine Python conda environment for Colour:
Alternatively, you can also install directly from Github source repository:
Installation Methods for Developing Colour
Colour adopts uv to help managing its dependencies, this is the recommended way to get started with Colour development.
Assuming python >= 3.10, < 3.13 is available on your system, the development dependencies are installed with uv as follows:
Those commands will create a Virtual Environment in which all the required python packages will be installed.
Tools can then be run as follows:
or alternatively:
An easy way to get all the pre-requisites at once is to use our colour-vagrant environment for Vagrant.
Please refer to the dedicated blog post for more details about its deployment: PyCharm, Vagrant, Ansible & Poetry